MQI concerned over situation in Karachi

Expressing his grave concern on the unabated wave of target killing in Karachi, Dr Raheeq Ahmad Abbasi, Secretary General of Minhaj-ul-Quran International, has termed it as a threat to national integrity and economy. He said that the law and order situation has been going from bad to worse with every passing day and Karachi, which is provincial metropolis and financial hub of the country, has been a victim to the plague. He added that the feeling of insecurity has eroded the beauty of life and people’s routine life has been greatly affected. He said that MQI was ready to give intellectual guidance to the government for improvement of law and order situation.

Dr Raheeq Abbasi expressed these views while talking to a delegation of Pakistan Awami Tehreek, which called on him in his office the other day. He said that politics of regionalism, ethnicity, coupling with widening clash between secular and religious mindsets has hurt national peace a great deal. The global investors and the expatriate community is reluctant to invest in Pakistan due to insecurity of life and capital. He said that the situation has also led to brain drain at a wider and alarming scale.

Dr Raheeq Abbasi demanded of the government to rise above political expediency and apprehend the perpetrators of these crimes so that none has the courage to challenge the writ of the state. He called for long-term and solid planning to improve law order situation in the country.

