Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri's exclusive interview with Dr Danish on ARY News in Sawal Yeh Hai

The main points of the interview of Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri with Dr Danish on ARY News on December 07, 2013

  • The PAT’s upcoming protest rallies are part of the green revolution
  • The nation is faced with two greatest evils: price hike and corruption
  • During the last 6 months, price hike has increased 60 to 70%, but the people’s salaries have not increased
  • The price hike, perpetrated by the government, has ruined the economy of Pakistan
  • The govt officials don’t have any agenda to overhaul the economy
  • Successive rulers, without any vision, have always alleged that the ex-govt looted the national wealth. They offer the excuse to justify the non-performance
  • The parliamentarians have sealed their lips on the issue of corruption. The parliamentarians seem dead and are hand in glove with the crooked
  • Why are the media silent on the issue of legalizing black money from 2.5 crore rupees to 50? Why are the lawmakers too quiet?
  • Open corruption is at its peak in the corridors of power. Where are the owners of suo motto? Why are they mute?
  • The PAT's rallies against price hike will pave way for the green and peaceful revolution
  • The people of Pakistan should turn out in millions to stage the peaceful revolution - ours will be the revolution of the whole nation
  • An instance of the govt's corruption: Nadra has exposed the corruption of the winners in 11 May election. So the govt sacked its chief
  • The govt has been in power since 5 months. The PM has broken the history of foreign tours. Why are the opposition parties silent?
  • The PM of Pakistan visited the PM of Thai govt which is about to collapse in days. Why did the Pakistan PM tour officially? Just to promote personal business.
  • When the call to revolution is given, the govt as well as the police officials should join the hard-pressed people’s march
  • The crooked rulers have left the nation insensitive like the Children of Israel. Even when people die, they are not moved
  • I will not stay back from staging the peaceful revolution even if my life is taken
  • The nation should join the PAT's revolution - political parties can't stage a revolution if the common people don't rise

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