Dr Israr commits denigration against Hazrat Ali (AS) : Allama Imdad-Ullah Naeemi

Dr Israr commits denigration against Hazrat Ali (AS) : Allama Imdad-Ullah Naeemi

The president of Minhaj-ul-Quran Ulama Council, Punjab, Allama Imdad-Ullah Naeemi strongly condemned Dr Israr's insolence against Hazrat Ali (may Allah be well pleased with him) during a speech on a TV channel. He stressed the point that preachers with no basic knowledge of Hadith and without knowing the opinions of leading scholars of Hadith on a certain Hadith should think twice before commenting on one. Allama Imdad-Ullah said that Hazrat Ali belongs to the household of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and is the commander of all the Muslims. All the members of the Muslim Umma with the exception of Khawarij consider the love for Ali an obligation. So the feelings of Muslim Umma are deeply hurt by the disrespect of Hazrat Ali (may All?h be well pleased with him).

