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Religious scholars pay tribute to Hazrat Farid-e-Millat (RA)
Monthly Spiritual Gathering of Gosha-e-Durood - October, 2010
MSM celebrates its foundational day
An International Seminar on 'Role of Universities & Seminaries in the Promotion of Peaceful Co-existence'
Farid-e-Millat Seminar 2010
Minhaj Women League (France) organizes fund-raiser
Inaugural ceremony of 40-day Irfan-ul-Quran Course
MQI Lyari, Karachi, Distributes Relief Goods
MES launches Minhaj Tent School in Nowshehra & Akora Khattak
Minhaj University Lahore wins inter-collegiate ‘Qiraat & Naat’ competition
Second Hajj Training Camp in Lodhran
MQI leaders with Nowshehra Flood Affectees on the Eve of Eid
MQI leaders spend Eid with flood victims
Relief activities of Minhaj-ul-Quran Women League for flood victims
MWF distributes cash and other gifts among flood victims in Charsadda