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Showing Results: 4516 to 4530 of 5,805
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Relief activities of MWF in Rajan Pur, Trag Sharif, Essa Khail and Nowshera
Minhaj Women League (France) celebrates Independence Day
Minhaj Welfare Foundation starts ambulance service for flood affectees
As President of Minhaj ul Quran International European Council Ch. Ejaz Warraich visits Centeral Secretariat, Lahore
Football Tournament in Aid of Orphans
MWF Latest Figures of Relief Campaign 2010
Minhaj Welfare Foundation Establishes Special Fund for Flood Affectees
Spiritual gathering of Shab-e-Barat 2010
Minhaj Center Austria Established in City Vienna
Tanzimaat Camp 2010 - Minhaj-ul-Quran Women League Pakistan
Minhaj-ul-Qura’n Women League Headquarters Presents Tanzeemat Camp 2010
Minhaj-ul-Quran Ulama Council organizes seminar on topic of 'Anti-terrorism and Teachings of the Sufis'
Media ray of hope for people: Speakers address PAT seminar
Minhaj Reconciliation Council holds Training Workshop at Gujrat
Islamic Learning Course: last three days