MQI Lahore, All News

Showing Results: 991 to 1005 of 1,048
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Itikaf City 2007: First Day
The Great Annual Itikaf - 2007
Itikaf City 2007: Inaugural Day
I’tikaf 2007
Annual Sayyida-e-Kainat Conference 2007 under MWL
Foundation-Stone Ceremony of the Minaret of Gosha-e-Durood
No religion allows terrorism: German Scholar : Dr. Jochen Hippler visits Minhaj University Lahore
Minhaj University Declared its First Ever B.A. Results 2007
The Youth Want Peace, Seminar by MYL
Monthly Spiritual Gathering of Gosha-e-Durood - August 2007
Training to Promote Peace and Tolerance and Spiritual uplift - Irfan ul Quran Course for Female Students
13th Islamic Learning Course for Women Students
The Opening Ceremony of
The first procession of the Representatives of Minhajians
All Pakistan Women Council Meeting
Minhaj-ul-Quran International (MQI) is a broad based Islamic organisation representing a moderate vision of Islam and Sufism, working for peace and integration. It was founded by Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri in 1981 in Lahore, Pakistan.
Minhaj-ul-Quran International
365 M, Model Town Lahore
+92 (42) 111 140 140