MQI Overseas, All News

Showing Results: 1756 to 1770 of 1,843
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Celebration of Urs Mubarak Hazoor Daata Ganj Bakhash Ali Hijwairi(RA)
Benazir Bhutto's Sister Visits MQI Centre on Romford Road in London
$50,000+ Salvation after Tsunami
MQI Islamic Centre Barcelona hosts inter-faith prayer service
MQI Islamic Centre Barcelona hosts inter-faith prayer service
Sisters Programme Rochdale 20th Nov
Daura Sahih Muslim Sharif
Shaykh-ul-Islam speaks at community leaders event
Nikah of Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri`s son in Madina Munawarah
Al-Hidayah 2007 : Residential Spiritual and Educational Retreat
Al-Hidayah 2007 - Hythropark, Oxfordshire, UK
Sewing Course For Girls .. MQI Women League Oslo
Miraj-e-Mustafa (saw) Programme (Oslo Norway)
In The Remembrance of our Brother Shahzad Shaffi (Late)
Mosque Open Day for the general public held at Nelson UK

Widely spread all over the world, this colossal setup of MQI centres entails a highly effective, efficient and centralized coordination to measure progress, monitor performance, sort out hurdles and issues and ensure smooth working of the MQI around the globe.

365-M Block, Model Town, Lahore Pakistan
+92 42 35171404
+92 42 111-140-140