The people and the government of Pakistan deeply mourn the enormous and unprecedented loss of innocent lives in the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington. We share the ...
Punjab Housing and Physical Planning Minister Syed Ali Raza Gillani visited the offices of Pakistan Awami Tehreek. He also met PAT chief Dr. Muhammad Tahir ul Qadri and shared...
Eid-ul-Adha is a charity (blessing) from Allah Almighty. It is a day of celebration and remembrance of Allah Almighty. Not all of us however are in a position to enjoy this da...
President Tehreek-e-Minhaj ul Quran Iran Mr. Ali Raza Ghalibaaf Kharasani called upon Dr. Muhammad Tahir ul Qadri at Model Town Secretariat Lahore. Chief Organizer Rana Iqbal ...
The world continues to harbour misundestanding and hatred teoward the Islamic community as they are wrongly blamed for Sept. 11 Terrorist attacks in the US, a leading Islamic ...
Minhaj-ul-Quran UAE, in collaboration and cooperation with other Pakistani professional organizations, are actively participating in the community welfare events and activitie...
Pakistan Awami Tehreek Chief Dr. Tahirul Qadri has said India awarded their nuclear scientist the seat of president while those who made Pakistan a nuclear power were being ar...
The leaders emphasized the need for Kashmir Desk in every embassy of Pakistan and opined that many ambassadors were unaware of Kashmir issue. Dr. Qadri said the negligence of ...
Russian Ambassador to Pakistan Shevchenko Eduard called on Pakistan Awami Tehreek Chief Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri at his residence Monday and discussed matters of mutul inte...
The 53rd Birthday of Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri conveys to us messages of both happiness and responsibility. The happiness is obvious and justified but only those people can justify th...
There is a great project being carried out by members of Minhaj-ul-Quran International (MQI) in Lahore, which can also be carried out else where. Members and supporters of MQI...
'Milad-un-Nabi' a book launched at the conference, which is an encyclopaedia of all issues regarding Mawlid, with its thousands pages, was sold out with in hours of its launch...
The I`tikaf is the annual ten day seclusion which takes place in the last ten days of the Holy Month of Ramadhan. This practice is optional for Muslims and can be performed al...
Shaykh-ul-Islam Prof. Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri travelled to Makkah to condole with the family of Shaykh as-Sayyad Muhammad bin Alavi al-Maliki al-Makki. Due to the unavaila...
By the Grace of Almighty Allah and the blessings of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w), Minhaj-ul-Qur’an Women League, Lahore, Pakistan brought a smile to the faces of many patients who...
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