Seorang cendekiawan Pakistan di kota London menyatakan fatwa terhadap terorisme dan bom bunuh diri. Ulama tersebut, Tahir ul-Qadri, mengatakan fatwa yang ditulisnya dalam seb...
Tahir ul-Qadri, from Pakistan, says his 600-page judgement, known as a fatwa, completely dismantles al Qaeda's violent ideology. The scholar describes al Qaeda as an "old evi...
There has never been a shortage of fatwas. These legal rulings or opinions made by religious authorities address a wide array of issues concerning politics and social norms, a...
A leading Islamic scholar has issued a fatwa in Britain condemning "terrorists" as the enemies of Islam, in a bid to deter young Muslims from extremism. Muhammad Tahir ul-Qad...
A very positive step has been taken by Dr Tahirul Qadri. He has issued a 600-page fatwa against suicide bombing, something that should have been done much earlier. One wonders...
Ulama kelahiran Pakistan dan pendiri gerakan global Minhjul Quran ini akan membuat deklarasi fatwa, atau maklumat keagamaan, secara formal di Inggris yang mengutuk terorisme d...
The fatwa from Muhammad Tahir ul-Qadri, a leading figure who has promoted peace and interfaith dialogue for 30 years, echoes edicts condemning extremism issued by a number of ...
The word 'fatwa' became synonymous with death threats in the 1980s after the publication of Salman Rushdie’s book The Satanic Verses prompted a fatwa that forced him into hi...
Este martes, el influyente erudito musulmán Tahir ul-Qadri ha emitido desde Londres una fatua condenando las actividades terroristas perpetradas en nombre del Islam. El docu...
Salah satu ulama terkemuka di dunia mengeluarkan sebuah fatwa yang menentang aksi-aksi terorisme. Ulama Pakistan Muhammad Tahir ul-Qadri, menyatakan fatwanya adalah yang 'pal...
Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri é o autor deste documento de 600 páginas que tem por objectivo desincentivar os muçulmanos de recorrerem à violência em nome da religião. Tahir...
A much respected Islamic scholar is to issue a "Fatwa" (edict) Tuesday against terrorism and suicide bombings carried out in the name of Islam. Pakistan-born Tahir ul-Qadri, ...
Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, a former Pakistani lawmaker, says the 600-page fatwa bans suicide bombing "without any excuses, any pretexts, or exceptions." Tahir-ul-Qadri has issu...
On Tuesday in London, a revered Muslim scholar will announce a fatwa against suicide bombing in the name of Islam. Here, Allegra Mostyn-Owen talks exclusively to Dr Tahir ul-Q...
De islam verbiedt zelfmoordaanslagen en bloedbaden met onschuldige burgers, luidt het in de fatwa van al-Qadri, de stichter van de wereldwijde Minhaj-ul-Quran-beweging. "De da...
Muhammad Tahir ul Qadri is a leading figure who has promoted peace and interfaith dialogue for 30 years. He said he felt compelled to issue the fatwa because of concerns abou...
Muhammad Tahir ul-Qadri, head of the Minhaj ul-Quran religious and educational organisation, said suicide bombers were destined for hell as he released his 600-page edict in L...
The fatwa issued today by the respected Islamic scholar Sheikh Dr Tahir ul-Qadri, ruling that terrorism against anyone is a violation of Islamic precepts, is of course welcome...
Shaykh Dr Tahir ul-Qadri is a scholar of repute who has following across the East and the West. He is a Muslim scholar who had the likes of the al- Azhar institution of Cairo ...
De gerespecteerde en hooggeplaatste moslimgeestelijke Sheikh ul-Qadri (51) heeft in het Engels een fatwa uitgesproken over zelfmoordterroristen die in naam van Allah aanslagen...
De Pakistaanse islamgeleerde Muhammed Tahir-ul-Qadri stelde gisteren op een druk bijgewoonde persconferentie een fatwa tegen het terrorisme voor. Ul-Qadri is de leider van Min...
En prominent muslimsk lærd, Muhammad Tahir ul Qadri, har annonsert at han vil i en tale i London, forkynne en 600 siders fatwa mot terrorisme der terrorister og selvmordsbomb...
THE leader of a global Muslim movement has issued a fatwa, or religious edict, that he calls an absolute condemnation of terrorism. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, a former Pakistan...
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