Netherlands: Sacrifices of Imam Hussain (RA) pride of humanity: MQI

By the Grace of Almighty Allah (SWT) and His Beloved Prophet (PBUH), Minhaj-ul -Quran (The Hague, Netherlands) organized Paghaim-e-Hussain (RA) Conference.

The program took place on the 10th of October on the 10th of Muharram. Approximately 250 people including children, ladies and gents attended the Conference in remembrance of Hazrat Imam e Hussain (RA) and to pay tribute to him.

Hafiz Yasir Naseem welcomed every one and thanked the audience for participating in the program. The proceedings got underway with the recitation of different Quranic verses by Sayyid Mujtaba Hashemi. The stage secretary for this evening was Saeed Chaudhry. He hosted the program with beautiful poetry, quotes and nasheed in remembrance of Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA). The audience enjoyed the Naat of Sadiq Butt, Sikandar Khan, Sheraz Malik with their beautiful voices.

Allama Raza and Allama Hafiz Yasin Naseem enlightened the audience with their inspirational and heart touching statements about hardships suffered by the companions of the Imam. The program ended with the beautiful lecture and Dua by Allama Hafiz Nazir Ahmed.

