Veil not a hurdle in the way of woman’s progress: Farah Naz
Farah Naz, the central President of Minhaj-ul-Quran Women League, has said that
Islam is a peaceful religion and a complete conduct of life. She said that man can
fulfil all of his requirements in the light of Islam. She said that women were deprived
of social status in various societies and civilizations before the advent of Islam.
She further said that women enjoyed lower status in cultures and civilizations in
the age of ignorance.
Mrs. Farah Naz expressed these views while addressing the ceremony held to mark the International Hijab Day in the central secretariat on September 04. Razia Naveed, Ayesha Mubashar, Tahira Khan, Shakira Chaudhry, Ayesha Bashir, Atiya Baneen, Sidra Kramat, Qurat-ul-Ain Fatima and other women were also present on the occasion.
Mrs. Farah Naz said that it was Islam that upheld the banner of rights and security of the women and presented a clear stance on the status of women and dignity and respect of women. She said that Islam does approve of the women’s right to beautify themselves but it strictly forbids them to expose and exhibit themselves. She said that rise of nations is closely associated with woman’s chastity and the man’s honour. She said that there is a morality of every religion and Islam’s morality is virtue and piety. She said that veil is the commandment of Allah Almighty, which saves one from evil sight and wrongdoing.
The President of Women League said that veil is not a hindrance in the way of women’s progress. She said that opportunities of economic progress are open to veiled women. She said that veil is silent invitation of religion. She said that veil confers protection, security, identity and freedom to women. She said that protective shield of greatness and piety can be established around the person of a woman if she starts wearing veil. She said that she is pleased to find that the International Day of Hijab is being celebrated around the world with fervour and zest.
She said that the purpose of the ceremonies is not to propagate the use of veil but to highlight its usefulness and importance. She said that the veil is becoming popular throughout the world, adding that veil retains a distinct status as civilizational symbols in the Muslim world. She asked the women to follow the life and teachings of the mothers of the believers. She said that veil is right of a woman and not a sign of oppression and retrogression.