MQI welcomes inter-provincial educational moot
Hussain Mohi-ud-Din Qadri, President of the MQI, has welcomed the idea of holding
an inter-provincial conference of the education ministers for designing the national
curriculum. He said that for formation of one nation, a uniform educational syllabus
is of utmost importance. He said that the Federal Minister for Education deserves
to be congratulated on the conduct of the successful conference. He said that we
consider the Conference to be the seminal step for preparation of a uniform syllabus,
stating that designing such a curriculum is a must for elimination of socio-economic
and class disparities.
Dr Hussain Mohi-ud-Din Qadri stated this while talking to Rashid Kalami and other office holders of Minhaj Education Society yesterday. He said that it is a matter of great satisfaction that the education ministers of the four provinces are aware of the challenges facing the educational sector. He said that the children are the future of the nation and getting worried about their education and providing resources for them is the responsibility of the state. He said that investment in education is actually investment in the progress and prosperity of the nation which would never go in vain.
Dr Hussain Mohi-ud-Din Qadri said that it is a matter of satisfaction that the conference expressed the resolve to get 25 million out of the school children admitted to schools and increase budgetary allocations for this purpose and also announced the participation of all stakeholders in the committee mandated with the task of designing the national curriculum. He said that the policies that are made with honesty and sincerity for greater good of the people also enjoy the blessings of Allah Almighty. He asked the government to keep a watchful eye on the NGOs and bureaucracy that can impede its mission of accomplishing the task of designing a uniform syllabus. He said that the anti-Pakistan elements would never want such an important reform to succeed that help the nation forge unity in its ranks. He drew the attention of the steering committee to the mainstreaming of the religious seminaries, stating that the hundreds of thousands of people studying in Madaris also deserve to be taken care of. He said that talented children have every capability to become engineers, doctors, and professionals provided enough policy attention is paid to them.