A highly influential Sufi Muslim scholar on Tuesday issued a historic Fatwa (religious edict) against acts of violence perpetrated in the name of Islam, calling perpetrators o...
Eminent Muslim scholar and founder of the Minhajul Quran International, Dr Tahirul Qadri on Tuesday issued a fatwa that calls for an absolute condemnation of terrorism and dec...
The Presidents of the Christian Muslim Forum welcome the main message of Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri's fatwa (Islamic ruling by a jurist) and wider explanation on 'suicide bomb...
But for Dr Muhammad Tahir ul-Qadri it is the obvious facts that need stating loudest. Last week the Pakistani-born cleric took to a stage in London to declare his Islamic reli...
Dr Tahir ul-Qadri, from Pakistan, says his 600-page judgement, known as a fatwa, completely dismantles al-Qaeda’s violent ideology. The scholar describes al-Qaeda as an “...
Prominent Islamic scholar Tahirul Qadri is to issue a 600-page religious edict denouncing terrorism in London on Tuesday (today), in what he says is a bid to persuade young Mu...
The leader of a global Muslim movement has issued a fatwa, or religious edict, that he calls an absolute condemnation of terrorism. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, a former Pakista...
Sheikh Dr. Tahir ul-Qadri, a widely recognized and respected authority on Islamic jurisprudence, will issue a comprehensive fatwa prohibiting terrorism and suicide bombing at ...
London, Asharq Al-Awsat-Dr. Muhammad Tahir ul-Qadri is the Pakistani Islamic scholar who recently made headlines with the publication of his 600-page fatwa prohibiting sui...
An influential Muslim scholar with a large following in Britain Tuesday issued a fatwa - or Islamic religious ruling - which condemned global terrorism and branded suicide bom...
اصدر العالم الشيخ محمد طاهر القادري الباكستاني المولد من لندن الثلاثاء فتوى من 600 صفحة اعتبر فيه...
أصدر شيخ الإسلام الدكتور محمد طاهر القادري مؤسس منظمة منهاج القرآن العالمية فتوى من 600 صفحة ضد ا...
لندن- أصدر عالم دين إسلامي له عدد كبير من الاتباع في بريطانيا فتوى أدان فيها "الإرهاب العالمي وال...
أمد/ محمد الشافعي : فتوى المرجع الكبير العالم الشيخ محمد طاهر القادري الباكستاني المولد التي أصد...
أصدر العالم الشيخ محمد طاهر القادري، الباكستاني المولد، من لندن في وقت سابق من الأسبوع الجاري ف...
Tahir ul-Qadri helped start the increasingly prominent Minhaj-ul-Quran movement of moderate Muslims who intent to prevent the radicalization of Muslim youth by extremist terro...
أثارت فتوى الشيخ طاهر قادري المقيم يلندن المتعلقة بحرمة العمليات الإنتحارية التي يقوم بها الإر...
The comments were made during a remarkable assault on the ideology of violent Islamist extremists by Pakistani-born Sheikh Tahir ul-Qadri, a prominent theologian who launched ...
Asharq Al-Awsat-Dr. Muhammad Tahir ul-Qadri is the Pakistani Islamic scholar who recently made headlines with the publication of his 600-page fatwa prohibiting suicide bombing...
Sufi cleric: Tahir ul-Qadri Not much to hype about, what's a Fatwa worth by a person the overwhelming majority of the Islamic Sunni and Shi'ite world will regard as an infidel...
Muslim leaders in the Philippines welcomed Thursday the “fatwa” or religious edict of a Pakistani-born Islamic cleric declaring that suicide bombing is not a form of jihad...
Dr Tahir ul-Qadri, from Pakistan, says his 600-page judgement, known as a fatwa, completely dismantles al-Qaeda's violent ideology. The scholar describes al-Qaeda as an "old...
ذات صباح من أحد أيام الانتخابات العراقية الأخيرة.. وضع شاب عراقي، مسلم، حزاماً ناسفاً حول بطنه م...
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